Archaeologists excavating a former industrial estate in the Dutch municipality of Tiel have uncovered a remarkable 4,000-year-old religious site featuring burial mounds and pathways aligned with the Sun. This discovery, often referred to as the “Stonehenge of the Netherlands,” provides significant insight into ancient rituals and methods of timekeeping, suggesting the site may have functioned as a solar calendar similar to Stonehenge in England.
The sanctuary, located over more than nine acres, consists of several earthen mounds, with the largest burial mound potentially serving as a form of ancient calendar. Researchers believe this mound was designed to track the Sun’s movement, especially during the solstices, which marked the longest and shortest days of the year. On June 21, the summer solstice, and December 21, the winter solstice, sunlight would shine directly through specific passages leading to the largest mound, highlighting the importance of these dates in ancient rituals.
Along with the burial mounds, archaeologists found the remains of over 80 individuals, including men, women, and a notable number of children, who had been buried or cremated over an 800-year period, from about 2500 BCE to 1200 BCE. These individuals were likely integral to the ceremonies and practices conducted at the site.
Further excavations also revealed more than 1 million artifacts, including pottery, bone, clay, stone, flint, and wood, spanning a wide range of historical periods, from the Stone Age through to the Middle Ages. These findings emphasize the site’s longstanding importance as a hub of cultural and religious significance.
Among the most intriguing discoveries was a tiny glass bead found buried with a woman. This bead, originating from Mesopotamia, suggests that ancient people in the Netherlands were involved in long-distance trade, as glass was not produced in the region. The bead could have been traded for centuries before reaching its final resting place in Tiel, further showcasing the interconnectedness of ancient civilizations.
Despite the magnitude of the find, the excavation site will not be open to the public. Currently, there are no visible structures or markers at the site, only traces in the ground. However, plans are underway to share the story of this remarkable discovery with the public through documentaries and exhibits at museums such as the Flipje and Streekmuseum in Tiel and the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden.
This excavation not only sheds light on ancient religious practices but also offers a glimpse into the complex social and trade networks that connected early European societies with distant civilizations, further expanding our understanding of the past.